First of all, I’d like to begin on how honoured I am to be nominated alongside the other incredible candidate. I want to say a big thank you to the young people across Manchester. I want to say thank you to my friends, teachers and family members who have supported me from the beginning till today. I’m so excited and grateful for this new opportunity. I believe that, as a young person, I have the opportunity to make a change and represent the young people of Manchester in various other ways. I’m grateful for those who voted for me, you have been incredible, and I’m very honoured and grateful to you all. Thank you for pushing me this far
I am so grateful that I’ve been elected as an MYP. What I’ve said throughout my campaign still stands and I hope to give all young people a voice. I just want to thank you all for trusting me to represent you, young people, and I’d also like to thank Manchester Youth Council, especially Elle, for giving me like the chance and the confidence to run for this so thank you.
First of all, I’d like to extend my gratitude towards everyone who voted for me and obviously deemed me suitable for this position. When I first moved to the UK, I never thought I’d even be able to make friends, let alone represent the city that I’ve come to grow up in. Now, you know, being here it seems surreal that I’m a step closer to doing everything in my manifesto and I’m a step closer to being able to actively contribute towards bringing change to the lives of Manchester’s youth. I hope to do this position justice and play my part well and, once again, a huge, huge thank you to everyone, involved, especially Jennifer.