The Area Youth Forums are open!
What is an Area Youth Forum?
This is a space created by young people for young people! This is about you having an active role in your own community. Taking your views and ideas to the people of Manchester youth council, all the way to the top of Manchester City Council. This is youth voice in action!
Under the United Nations Right of the Child all Children and young people have a ‘right’ to have their say (Article 12)
Who can join the Area Forum?
Young people living or going to school in Manchester. You must be aged 11 – 18 years old ( 25 SEND or/and Care leaver)
Potentially a version for younger people to be involved. Watch this space for updates…
When do you meet and where?
We meet in several locations across the city. The Area Youth Forums will operate on a district model across North, Central, East, South and Wythenshawe. Specific locations within those areas will be posted ahead of time. All meetings take place of an evening from 6 pm – 8 pm. We will try to make sure venues are accessible and welcoming for young people.
Please let us know how we can best support you to attend our Area Youth Forum.
If you are an organisation that would like to host one of our local forums please get in touch: Subject: AYF Venue
Interested? Follow the link to receive updates of our next meeting.
Find out more about Manchester’s elected Members of Youth Parliament.